home archives last week feedback Rolla Peace News December 21, 2024 |
Dear Friends:Editor's notes:In this newsletter is: 1. THE MISFIT MATHEMATICIAN (Tom's column, http://tomsager.org)           a) Help the Oppressed           b) State of the Climate           c) Gas or Electric (updated)           d) Christmas in the Trenches (revisited)           e) Some Uncomfortable Truths About the Life of Jesus Help the Oppressed As Syria fragments, the Israeli genocide in Gaza continues, and no country but Yemen will come to the aid of Palestine. The official death toll is now over 45,000. The actual death toll may be many times higher.“When people see an oppressor but do not prevent him from (doing evil), it is likely that Allah will punish them all.” —The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) The death toll includes many unborn children. So why do I not hear a peep about this from the so-called pro-life crowd. And why do I not hear from the so-called pro-choice crowd about the right of Gazan women to choose life for their unborn children? Could Syria have avoided fragmentation? I believe so. If Syria and their Russian benefactors had come to the aid of Palestine, perhaps Syria could have survived intact or even avoided destructive regime change altogether. Beware the anger of the people in the Middle East who have watched their governments do nothing for over a year as the Israeli genocide in Gaza unfolds. Now Syria falls prey to factional militias and foreign intervention. Israel, Turkey, The United States and Russia all expect to control at least parts of a new Syria. Israel has destroyed much of Syria's military assets. The bombing continues as local militias face off against each other. As the first of the two quotes above notes, it is likely that all will be punished. The Middle East is warming at a faster rate then much of the world. The region spends its wealth on war, instead of building resilience to climate change. You have to wonder about the stupidity of those in power. And you also have to wonder about the stupidity of those who report on Middle Eastern wars. Few even mention climate change as a factor. Note: The two quotes with which I have introduced this snippet come from Islamic scripture and the secular tradition respectively. From the first quote: Aiding the oppressed is a requirement, it is not optional. The second notes that failure to come to the aid of the oppressed, is a danger to everyone, not just the oppressed. State of the Climate The much vaunted La Niña that was supposed to cool the climate, at least temporarily, has so far failed to materialize. The last three months have each been the second warmest month of that same name on record, slightly cooler than 2023 and much warmer than any other month of that same name. 2024 is virtually certain to be the warmest year on record, coming close to the 1.5°C barrier. Meanwhile, CO2 in the atmosphere continues to rise and extreme weather events like hurricanes Helene and Milton become more and more frequent and devastating. Gas or Electric (updated) My article comparing the carbon footprint of gas and electric appliances has been updated to include 2023 data on electricity generation and CO2 emissions. While in the United States some progress has been made, it appears to be too little too late. Without switching electricity generation from fossil fuels to non-polluting renewable sources, trading gas appliances for electric could actually increase your carbon footprint. Christmas in the Trenches (revisited) I used to write each December about the 1914 Christmas Truce and John McCutcheon's song, “Christmas in the Trenches”. I love this song because it shows so clearly that a world without war is possible. But at some point I got tired of doing the same thing year after year and stopped.“On each end of the rifle we're the same.” This may be my last Christmas. Indeed, it may be the last Christmas for all of us. (Watch this video of Noam Chomsky discussing the end of organized humanity.) So here it is again, after so many years: John McCutcheon singing Christmas in the Trenches. And another of my favorites: Peter, Paul and Mary singing The Great Mandella. Let us pray that the world will come to its senses and end these wars before they end us all. And work like hell for World Peace. Some Uncomfortable Truths About the Life of Jesus         Based on Holiday Reflections by Kathleen Murdock Jesus was born poor and homeless in a stable. Remember this next time you see a homeless person. Remember this next time you hear of a homeless woman in labor being given a ticket for camping illegally instead of care and shelter. Jesus's greatness was recognized by poor shepherds. The rich and powerful were too busy counting their money and wielding their power to recognize Jesus. Remember this. Wise scientists watched the sky for news of the coming of Jesus. Nowadays, scientists place weapons in the sky that could wipe out all human life on Earth. Remember this. Hearing of the birth of Jesus, political leaders were afraid and ordered the murder of all male infants in the realm. Remember this when you hear about the murder of thousands of children in Gaza and elsewhere. Jesus escaped with his parents and became a refugee from political violence. Remember this when you read about walls built to keep refugees out. Remember this when you read about young children being separated from their parents and kept in cages. Jesus was crucified as a threat to political and religious state power. Remember this when you hear of state sponsored murder. Remember this when you hear of tens of thousands being murdered in Gaza and elsewhere. “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Rolla Peace News is written occasionally (perhaps once a month) and distributed by email. It is posted on the web at http://tomsager.org (click on Rollaites for Peace: near the top of rightmost column).Wage peace, Tom yushasager (at) yahoo.com  |