
Contact me:

Tom (Yusha) Sager
tom (at) tomsager.org

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Letter to the Editor
of the Rolla Daily News on
Selective and Vindictive Prosecution
(Printed on Saturday, Oct. 9 under title,
Hawley also target of prosecution.)

October 3, 2010

Dear Editor:

I read with interest the articles in the Rolla Daily News discussing the "selective and vindictive prosecution" of Kent Robinson for political reasons.

This is not the first time Phelps County Prosecutor, Courtney George, has filed selective and vindictive felony charges. With the encouragement of her friends at City Hall and Rolla Municipal Utilities, Ms. George has been selectively and vindictively prosecuting Donna Hawley for political reasons for well over a year.

In the Robinson case, Judge Tobben, recognizing the charges for what they are, dismissed them. Sadly, in the Hawley case, Judge White has shown no such courage or wisdom, and Ms. Hawley continues to face vindictive felony charges.

I wonder how many others also face selective and vindictive charges filed by a rogue prosecutor. How many of them, for want of the resources to defend themselves, have been forced to resort to plea bargaining?

I would hope that the new prosecutor and the judges will look very closely at every case that Ms. George has filed and dismiss those that, like the Robinson and Hawley cases, are selective and vindictive.

I also note that Ms. George has billed Phelps County for almost $44,000, claiming she is entitled to the same pay as a judge. I recommend that the County Commissioners bill Ms. George for $44,000 and place the money in a fund to compensate the victims of her selective and vindictive prosecutions.

Tom Sager